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1960s, 4

1960s, 4" Bronze Mooring Fixed-Eye Snap Hook w/ 1" Eyelet – Nautical Heavy-Duty


2 Antique french large solid rosette flower brass hook cover for painting mirror picture

2 Antique french large solid rosette flower brass hook cover for painting mirror


3 Antique french rosette flower brass hook cover for painting mirror wall decor picture

3 Antique french rosette flower brass hook cover for painting mirror wall decor


Sepik Figural Suspension Hook, Papua New Guinea picture

Sepik Figural Suspension Hook, Papua New Guinea


12pcs 1.5 Inch Cabin Hook and Eye Latch with Inch, 12 Pcs, Silver  picture

12pcs 1.5 Inch Cabin Hook and Eye Latch with Inch, 12 Pcs, Silver


Antique Vintage Hanging Hook Butchers Hook, Game Hook picture

Antique Vintage Hanging Hook Butchers Hook, Game Hook


Barn Door Iron Hasp Hook Latch picture

Barn Door Iron Hasp Hook Latch





Antiq Japanese Jizai Kagi Irori Bamboo Fish Carp Hearthware Pot Holder Hook picture

Antiq Japanese Jizai Kagi Irori Bamboo Fish Carp Hearthware Pot Holder Hook


Papua New Guinea 1980s Wood Suspension Hook Female  Birds Crocodile Sepik River picture

Papua New Guinea 1980s Wood Suspension Hook Female Birds Crocodile Sepik River
