• Wallyran

    by Published on 06-28-2013 01:04 PM  Number of Views: 32585 
    1. Categories:
    2. stream,
    3. river,
    4. stories

    The Fishing Hat

    Bill returned from Germany and the Army of the Occupation in 1955. He brought back with him a taste for good lager, a barracks degree in Pinochle and Poker, and a newfound love: Fishing moving water with Mepps spinners.

    Since then, he’d wooed and married my mother, fathered three children and worked until the bitter end for 3 successive small companies that each failed to adapt as wholesale and retail modernized in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s. Bill had his full share of life’s lows and though he perhaps was shorted a couple of high notes, he was the calm and quiet force that kept our family close and my siblings and I feeling secure even when we really weren’t. Dad had come through life with no complaints he felt were worth mentioning and very few regrets. We were all profoundly grateful to have Bill as our father. ...