• gusstrand

    by Published on 11-21-2013 12:05 PM  Number of Views: 34895 
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    No, not really.

    The quality of you, the members, is indicative of the site traffic. Sure, we have a small core group of posters here, but the quality of your posts and images results in quantity ...
    by Published on 09-18-2012 07:31 PM  Number of Views: 11524 
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    Thought I'd bring this one back to life with something I wrote about ten years ago, about this time of year on a river I still love...

    After a near sleepless night, the fisherman arrives at his beloved river in the frosty darkness that echoes nature’s recent changes from summer to fall. In the light, if there was any, he knows he’d see the leaves that were vibrantly green the week before now yellowed and hanging precariously to the branches, soon to fall in an autumn breeze. The fisherman puts on his uniform of waders and boots, still wet from a previous trek, and partially rigs the rod for the walk to the spot – the place in his mind, just upstream, where the steelhead are resting after making their incredible journey.
    by Published on 07-09-2012 09:59 AM     Number of Views: 31297 
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    Had a discussion recently about small stream fishing and methods... and it made me think. I'm not sure where to post this, so it goes here where lurkers, members, search bots and everyone else can see.

    smallstreams is not about fly fishing. It's about fishing small streams in any responsible manner you choose.

    Sure, most of the participants here are primarily fly fishers, but I honestly believe there is nothing wrong with casting spinners on monofilament, there is nothing better or worse using some other type of pole that's been used for centuries and is the latest fashion from overseas. Fishing is fishing. ...
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    smallstreams.com is a about you, the worldwide community of fly fishermen who often prefer the intimate waters most often overlooked by mainstream anglers - the skinny water that hides the little fish that so many people write off, but that we cherish. smallstreams.com is about all things fishing, but often focuses on the intimacy of fishing in places that we know hold the secrets of good living, and tiny fish filled with spunk that is exponentially larger than their measurement. ...
    by Published on 04-25-2011 08:18 AM
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    All kinds of stuff going on! This is what's happening at smallstreams:

    • I just turned on new user registration - for the first time in a good while, I have a process that should allow people to sign up to participate here at smallstreams, and keep out the spambots.
    • Last week I got the galleries working - you can upload your photos to share, and see other members' photos as well using the Gallery tab up on the top bar there.
    • I turned on the blog functionality today! Every member of smallstreams now has theor own blog, built in to the site to share and document your small stream endeavors.

    Enjoy, and go fish!
    by Published on 10-21-2010 02:38 PM  Number of Views: 4866 
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    by Adam Trahan

    One of the first things I had to do was to get everything out of the attic. Twenty five Rubbermaid plastic bins of memories that I have not touched in five years. Melissa had found our new home on an Internet search. It is in Arcadia, one of the best neighborhoods in Phoenix, old money. We were moving soon and I thought that starting from the top down would be best. The access to the attic was in the garage rod shop where I made my bamboo rods. I hated going in there, like the attic, it contained so many memories, so much stuff that I was going to have to purge and let go of. The next phase of our lives needs to be lean and ready for change.

    Twenty five boxes of memories, how am I going to get rid of it all?

    I have heard it over and over, if you haven't used it in a year, you don't need it. So I sent Elijah up there to start downloading the bins. We pulled the ladder down carefully missing the rod rack where there were rods in various states of being finished, but one that I used. Elijah kept pulling bins and handing them down. Jacob moved them to the back patio stacking them up. The whole job took about an hour. An hour to move thirty years of collecting stuff and now I'm going to get rid of it all?
    by Published on 10-06-2010 01:46 PM
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    By Satoshi

    I often feel envious of people, more specifically, fly fishers who live in places where there are good trout streams just behind their backyards. I’m envious of fly fishers who live in northern part of Japan. I’m envious of fly fishers who live in the U.S., especially in the Rocky Mountain States like Montana or Colorado. I’m envious of fly fishers who live in New Zealand.

    My fishing trip to northern districts starts from this small local railway station.

    It isn't easy for me to go to good trout streams. I live in a rather warm place, where the water temperatures of streams are accordingly high. In this area, trout are confined to nutrient-poor mountain streams where the water temperature is relatively low. Yet, even those streams are marginal habitat for trout. Trout of 8 inches is a very decent catch here. As I wrote before, the best season here is April, and fishing becomes slower after that. For good trout fishing (in the Japanese standard, of course), I have to go either to high mountain streams in the central mountain area, or to much northern part of Japan’s main island. Among them, you can expect better fishing in the northern part of Japan, because the central mountain area is rather close to many big cities, and hence, receives higher fishing pressure.

    The northern part is called Tohoku region. “Tohoku” actually means northeast in Japanese. There is also good trout fishing in Hokkaido, the northernmost island among the 4 major islands of Japan, but the fishing in Hokkaido is less predictable than that in Tohoku. Although Japan is a small country, it would take 12 hours to drive from my house to the place I usually go in Tohoku. I don’t like to drive that long. So I use trains and rental cars for fishing trips to Tohoku. The trips are very expensive and once-in-a-year event for me. Typically, I first go to a hotel that is close to my final destination by train, stay at the hotel one night, and rent a car in the next morning to go fishing. From that night I stay at a small lodge where fly fishers gather till the end of the trip.
    by Published on 08-26-2010 02:51 PM

    Adult salmonfly cocktail, no olive.

    As I posted a few times ago, my eldest son just went to college. He's studying Biology, and in his current Zoology class he is tasked with finding and collecting five different phyla. When he told me that, I immediately started thinking about the entomology aspect of fishing the fly. I've always loved insects, and collected them in one form or another it seems. When I was about 12, that "hobby" was known enough that my great uncle used to send me interesting packages, including live praying mantis eggs in the mail.