• Is smallstreams a "low volume" website?

    No, not really.

    The quality of you, the members, is indicative of the site traffic. Sure, we have a small core group of posters here, but the quality of your posts and images results in quantity of visitors here...

    I thought I would share some data with you. Check this out:

    This is a snapshot of the last six months.

    • Every year, as Northern Hemisphere trout seasons open, the activity jumps and stays active for the summer. As the seasons close, the traffic drops off a little.
    • We are going to have close to (if not more than) two million hits in the last six months as November closes.
    • We average 422 visits to the site every day, and almost 10,000 hits every day from those visits.
    • We have had more than 81,000 visits to smallstreams in the last six months.

    So, what does this mean to YOU?

    People read what we have to say, guys. Lots of them. That should make you feel good. :)
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Is smallstreams a "low volume" website? started by gusstrand View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. martin_b's Avatar
      martin_b -
      That's awesome, Gus! Can you exlain the difference between "hits" and "visits" - more specifically, what does it mean that the daily average visit rate is 422 while the daily average hit rate is 9879?
    1. gusstrand's Avatar
      gusstrand -
      Hits are page file requests on the server. Every time a visitor clicks something else on the site, it's more hits - but the same visitor.

      Clear as mud?
    1. martin_b's Avatar
      martin_b -
      Si, comprende!
    1. Brooktrout's Avatar
      Brooktrout -
      that's intersting, gus. thanks. i had wondered about the volume from time to time.

      Quote Originally Posted by martin_b View Post
      Si, comprende!
    1. Wallyran's Avatar
      Wallyran -
      That's really quite surprising, to me anyway.

      Thank you Gus!
    1. adam's Avatar
      adam -
      Not surprising to me. In the old days, I had statistics of who was visiting, what web sites they came from and where they went to after visiting. I learned a lot about people from this hidden information. Not all of it was good.

      smallstreams.com is a very powerful site. Powerful in how people perceive it.

      I like the way Gus is handling it best. It is clean and he promotes the readership well.

      Now that you guys like it, why don't you join me in donating a few bucks his way. Sort of like National Public Radio.

      Gus, where is the "Donate" button?
    1. gusstrand's Avatar
      gusstrand -
      NPR... You're funny, Adam.
    1. rbaileydav's Avatar
      rbaileydav -
      Quote Originally Posted by adam View Post
      Not surprising to me. In the old days, I had statistics of who was visiting, what web sites they came from and where they went to after visiting. I learned a lot about people from this hidden information. Not all of it was good.

      smallstreams.com is a very powerful site. Powerful in how people perceive it.

      I like the way Gus is handling it best. It is clean and he promotes the readership well.

      Now that you guys like it, why don't you join me in donating a few bucks his way. Sort of like National Public Radio.

      Gus, where is the "Donate" button?

      Yes mommy I get the hint. yes Adam your right so I kicked in a few bucks thanks for the reminder
    1. gusstrand's Avatar
      gusstrand -
      Geez. Thanks, Dick! I'm humbled.

      Guys, the subscription options up in the top tab are the easiest way to give back. I those don't have an option to your liking, piscator at earthlink dot net is my paypal.

      That said, this place is a labor of love, not a revenue opportunity. I hope you all understand that.

      That was why I killed the "Donate" button even. Didn't like it. :)

    1. grayling's Avatar
      grayling -
      Ha ! . . . my visits go counter current to the norm. Visit less April thru October when water is flowing and the roads less icy. More visits in the winter . . . today it's -23F in Fairbanks and i have a house full of friends from Tok tonite . . where it's -45 F

      Keep up the good work gus and posts from everybody else. Smallstream is a deep winter lifeline for me (8->)

    1. 51BC's Avatar
      51BC -
      I'm with you, Grayling!
      Not quite as extreme here, but we can hit -60 in January/February and sitting in front of the computer is more appealing than it is when it is 70 and the water is flowing!
    1. adam's Avatar
      adam -
      Gus, if Grayling is around, you are doing your job.

      Remember that.