This last weekend was the local opener and I spent Saturday chasing Steelhead with Graphite and Sunday with the Cane Rod.
Opening day didn’t show much promise with the early warm weather and the major run all but over.
An earlier scouting mission three weeks ahead of the opener on a local stream saw pods of easily a hundred or so fish in each of 5 pools below an impassible Dam. In the last twenty years or so on this stream I had never counted so many fish grouped up in successive pools.
I usually forgo the early start on opening day preferring to let the crowds subside and the fish rest before I hit the streams for a peaceful fish.
I opted for a coffee and toast and a 9:00 start rather than get up with the birds and I was surprised that walking down the road to the Bridge where I enter the stream was completely deserted. Usually there are fisherman emerging from vehicles like clowns from clown cars, yelling in several different languages and assorted strewn coffee cups and wrappers.
Fishing was slow at first with a few lost , tucked in the ends of sweepers and under woody banks. Crossing the stream there seemed to be silt where there had always been gravel and the banks had been washed out and the sides all mushy. The answer was around the bend, as a beaver Dam had been built across one my more productive runs. The piles of chips and gnawed “Punji Stakes” upstream should have been a clue. I am all for nature taking it’s course but with all the streamside trees downed , it is bound to warm this section of the stream up significantly silt up the gravel beds. A good downpour might wash this away and fix things.

Pulled two out of one hole after resting it with a cigar and then caught another two up the stream one of which had my lost yarn fly still in his yap from downstream.

That is the third time I have caught the same fish twice on the same day…………huh.

Sunday Darrin and I left the City before 5:00am to arrive at a well known Brown Trout river.
This was a day of Bamboo, Bushmills and Browns. I had waited all Winter to take the Shay built Payne 100 out of the tube and fling some dries. Again, there were no cars at the access point and we headed down to the river with high hopes. The spot we wanted to fish was deserted so we waded in and strung up. Nothing was hatching so we started with nymphs and emergers. I was on my second or so cast when the indicator stopped and I set the hook. Buddy had not finished stringing up and had to man the net.

Obligatory Hero Photo next (thanks again Shay for the beautiful build)

Luck of the Irish I guess as I started the year with my biggest Brown on the Bamboo yet. The tape said 26” of sagging Brown belly. Nice way to start the day and I wish I could have spread the action out as it was lost fish and a few suckers the rest of the day for me. We were joined by a two friends who provided a lot of laughs and good company. Steve really pished us off by totally dialing in a seam of fish and hooking one after another for too long a time without sharing a fly or spot (the dirty bastage).
It was cold and windy for much of the day and we saw BWO’s on the water but no risers to speak of and no opportunities to toss Dries (another day will come) One final note………….We did see something of a legend more rare than Fairies, Unicorns or Trailer Park Virgins.
Two of the Provinces Finest (Game Wardens) emerged from the trees like a mirage in the desert. I had to rub my eyes and wipe the whiskey from my chin but seeing ,was believing. (Only one of them to patrol an area the size of Maine)

After telling them it was a pleasure to see them and where were they yesterday we had a chat and waded across to show our licenses etc.
We recognized one of them as an old friend and former Fly shop manager…how about that. I wish him success and good luck in his endeavors.
Late in the afternoon we headed back to the trucks for a cold on and left the stream to the ducks.

All in all it was a great day with good buddies and who can ask for much more.
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