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View Full Version : Thank You Guss.

09-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Like all the other members of small streams; I received an Email from Guss. What a nice touch I thought, especially as I've not spent much time on the small streams forum in the past few months. Not because I've not wanted to visit (actually I miss my visits) just that time slips by; and before you know it, several months have passed. I shall try to divide my time on the web more evenly; and visit SS more often, afterall, it is my favourite site.

So, a heartfelt thank you to Guss, for the email; and the prompt to show me how much I've missed reading the threads and post on SS.

Sincere Regards


09-25-2012, 04:52 PM
Well, thanks to you, Sir!

I've been tweaking and changing a lot of things over the past few months, and a lot of stuff has gone on here. When I was out yesterday morning punishing myself with a morning run while the sun came up I noticed the crispness in the air and for the first time that the trees were looking like fall was coming... and I thought, hey, JAX and some of the other smallstreams folks are coming out of winter as we're going in to it! Seriously. Not sure why I thought that...

So I decided to pop an email out to everyone. I really try not to do that too often, but I likely ought to do it more. I don't want to intrude, but every so often an email can't hurt, right? Heck, I found out that JAX has had some serious health issues (but is on the mend) and have gotten some nice notes reconnecting with some folks who have been here on one version of smallstreams or another for a long time like many of us.

Thanks for the thanks!

Here's to the continuation of what I hope is or becomes the best smallstreams yet!
