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View Full Version : Including photos in your posts - some tips.

08-20-2012, 10:55 AM
There are lots of ways to post photos in your posts. These are a few - each with their own pros and cons.

The first way is to directly attach photos in your threads. They will display as thumbnail images, like this:

To add images as attachments, in the "Additional Options" section below your text box when you are posting, you click the "Manage Attachments" button and basically follow the prompts to add the image as an inline file, or you can use the "insert image" button from the wysiwyg toolbar and uplad images from your computer. Both methods essentially accomplish the same thing.

A second, better way is to use the Albums here at smallstreams. Every registered member has access to create their own photo albums here. To use that, click on the "Gallery" button up in the top manu bar, anc click "Add Album" - you can then add photos you have sized as you like (I'd suggest no larger than 800 pixels wide for web use) to your album, and when you have photos uploaded, you'll notice a "BB Code" field under and to the right of each image. If you copy and paste that [ IMG ] code directly in to your post:


That is likely the best way to do it if you want the images kept here or don't want to bother with a photo hosting site, and your photo albums will be located here on smallstreams as well!

Yet another way is to post the "IMG" codes from an offsite site like Flickr or Photobucket. You'll get the same results as above. I much prefer Photobucket to Flickr for this purpose. The [ img ] links are readily copyable at photobucket, while flickr liks to keep the method of linking images convoluted and difficult, as they actually have rules against linking to your images there for using on other sites.

If you copy a link without the [ img ] code included, you can always use the "insert image" button and use the "from url" tab.

Hopefully this will help people post their awesome images in their stories in a way that works for them.

08-20-2012, 11:27 AM
Awsome fish there Gus....what did you catch it on?