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08-27-2011, 10:25 AM
I've heard the term "tenkarabell" used by a crotchety ole fly fisher. When I heard it, I was irritated knowing it was just a guy that was frustrated at not being able to catch as many fish in a particular stream. Now I find the term more appropriate myself.

In an American age of instant gratification, tenkara is perfectly set up for huge success.

You can take someone new to tenkara and teach them quickly the way to catch a wary old brown. It is a way to learn fishing very quickly.

I've seen tenkara people suggest that you get rid of your fly fishing equipment even going so far as to give you a discount on their poles if you sell your fly fishing gear. I've seen celebrity fly anglers fish with said tenkara fisherman. And I have seen articles and advertisements in fly fishing magazines about tenkara.

There are articles, videos and headhunting steelhead or large trout with tenkara.

I've read articles written by self appointed experts proclaiming that tenkara is the best way to fish for large fish in a river. That tenkara in a river (pole fishing) is better than fly fishing with a reel.


Reel manufactures and big name American Fly Rod manufactures better pay attention. Bamboo fly rod makers, fly fishers take note.

In a time where fly fishing and fishing is on the decline, you have a company that is solidly turning out new fishers that don't need fly lines, reels or fly rods and are actively advertising this fact. Bamboo fly fishers, your populace is getting older, who is going to enjoy your knowledge?

My suggestion to anyone listening is to think about it.

My philosophy on tenkara is simple. It is a great way to fish a small mountain stream, that is it.

Tenkara is a couple of years old in America. But you have tenkara guide services and you have negative growth in fishing as a whole but tremendous interest in tenkara...

As a fly fisherman (a reel fly fisherman) I only suggest that you pay attention what is going on.

Magazines and media and business go where the money is, celebrity goes anywhere the spotlight is.

Think about it and please feel free to show me that I am wrong, I want to be wrong, I really do.

08-27-2011, 01:53 PM
It would be perfect for my little local stream - if said stream were not bone dry this summer.

Someday I will try it. And it will work. :)