View Full Version : My Daughters first real fly fishing trip

08-09-2011, 02:40 PM
I took my Daughter to the upper xxxxxxxx river for her first real fly fishing trip. *We had a good outing and brought about two dozen to hand in three or so hours. *Most were in the 6 to 12" range with two around 16 which is a large fish for those parts. *Trinity and I got most of them on a Madam X, Stimulator and my foam Humpy pattern. *The two larger fish were taken on either a Bugger or leach. *It is one of my favorite places to fish and we did not see another person.... surprise huh. :) *

The water was perfect, not too low and still fairly cold. *Conditions could not have been better.

Great views all around. *Nothing like this high desert country.




Trinity with a couple fish



She missed at least four strikes to every fish but is starting to get it. *There were plenty of willing participants.


She found a nice place for lunch.


What a great day.

08-09-2011, 03:56 PM
Welcome back Andrew. Dude - she's growing up!!!

This is how I remember her:


08-09-2011, 04:11 PM
Ya, she is growing like a weed.

08-10-2011, 06:55 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics! That is such a special time in a Dad's life. Darned nice looking piece of water as well!

08-10-2011, 04:47 PM
I'm sure that memory of that first real fishing trip will stay with her forever.....
Nice post.

08-10-2011, 08:20 PM
Future entomologist? That's some good looking water.

Nice pics.

08-10-2011, 08:21 PM
In our country, girls are rather rare in this sport. Now I know how a woman flyfisher is born in the US!
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

08-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Thanks, she really likes that 3-4wt rod which is perfect for that stretch. I need to break out the boo next trip. My parents are taking all the grand kids camping this weekend so next weekend we are heading back to the river.

08-11-2011, 06:02 AM
I'm really happy to see you have your little girl out on the water with you. I've got a 1 1/2 year old and she's been to the river with me a few times, mostly on my back in a covered carrier. When did you start getting her interested in the water and fishing? I'd love a little guidance. Did you ever carry her to the stream? I'm afraid to wade with her, so I only fish from the shore line when I've got her. She laughs and squirms whenever 'we' have a fish on. :)

Great photos, a lovely time, I'm sure.


08-11-2011, 07:36 AM
Like you, she has been with me from a very young age. Most of the time when she was very young I would just let her play on the gravel bar and fish very close by. If I caught a fish great if not then we played in the creek. When she gets a little older take her to a spot with lots of panfish or anyplace the action is fast paced. Kids of a young age have a very short attention span and when they are done move on to something else. I always take the gps with me so she can fish/geocache/swim/explore/whatever else comes up(no video games though). She is old enough now we made a point of this being a fly fishing trip and she did very well. At one point after lunch she was just up stream of me and I hear her laughing and giggling as she floated by in the current...she took a break and went for a swim and thought it was pretty funny the way the current carried her by....no big deal as I caught fish around her. :)

08-11-2011, 10:15 AM
Good Dad stuff! Andrew walks the talk, and not just with fishing... Care to share a pic of any of Deadeye's pink gear? :wink:

08-11-2011, 10:42 AM
Sure...I love showing off. :) This was my daughters birth day present when she turned 10. It was my Dad's 22 that Mom gave him when they got married. I did some work on the stock.



It shoots great.


She loves the outdoors and I drag her along anytime I can. She really enjoys the outdoors and I have tried to keep her interested.


A bear she helped recover


Her first Deer hunting last year




And she loves to ride


Ok...one more


08-11-2011, 12:04 PM
Awesome. That's how I was raised and I still think about how fortunate I was now that I am an old man still doing it. http://users.dakotacom.net/~jeepster/tipshades.gif

Thanks mom and dad.