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View Full Version : 2011 Trout Opener on My Small Stream

05-25-2011, 12:00 PM
I posted this on a local board a few weeks ago but thought I might contribute here.
I am fortunate enough to live about a 7 Iron shot from a little stream outside Toronto that has Rainbow and Brown trout up from the L. Ont. in the Spring an Salmon and Bows in the fall and it holds a number of Brookies and resident Browns through the summer.
I had scouted the stream the day before the opener and there were still Steelhead up the river and on the redds.
I don't bother with the spawners but there are lots of fish in the holes and runs.
Spotty rain had kept the waters high and muddy most of the week.


It looked like a bleak opening day here in Sage's backyard. The Weatherman was calling for rain all weekend and the fear was the local rivers would be blown for sure. Sure enough, Saturday morning started with a dark misty rain as I walked the length of a football field from my driveway to the local stream. My feeling is if I am going to fish opening day and put up with the weekend warriors and bank monkeys then I might as well do it close to home instead of driving for hours. To my surprise there was only two trucks pulled over at the bridge and as I approached I could hear loud Russian or Slavic voices from under the bridge. Great I thought, these guys are here every year and never travel too far from the bridge and would not be venturing as far as I would be hiking. As it would happen, I could count on one hand the number of anglers I saw all weekend. The water was up pretty high and stained like weak Tea with milk, not chocolate milk as I expected and although crossing and spotting fish would be difficult, I have had good luck with high stained water. I bushwacked down the stream and around the corner from view and put my rod together before slowly approaching the first pool and tossed out a big white and purple Wooly bugger This was no time for a subtle presentation but called for big flashy and saucy.


As the fly swung up at the tailout a big Rainbow followed and smacked it good. A sign of good time ahead, a fish on the first drift.

Released the fish and off to my favorite Runs and holes. The next two spots held a few fish but they were tight to the wood and would be hard to get a good drift without hooking branches and roots.
Nearing my favorite spot under the willow there were two security guards on duty hissing and honking.


Skirting around them and easing up to the back end of the hole I could see why they were protective.
They had built a nest and had one egg on the side of the bank right where the path leads.


I inched closer ignoring them and after a while the hissing stopped and we shared the hole in peace. A couple of drifts and the surprise of the morning hit and zipped around the hole. A beautiful resident Brown with light brown back, brilliant spots like little LEDs and butter coloured fins. A quick shot, a little kiss and off he went.



The rest of the day was stellar, 4 or 5 landed a break for lunch and back down to the Creek for a late afternoon fish in the clearing water and 4 more landed and released and as many breakoffs and long distance releases.
I think I had one or two anglers pass by me the whole weekend and didn’t have to pass any occupied water. Unreal, but welcome for an opening weekend.
Here are some of the admittedly bad one handed photos and I apologize if they are a bit repetitious but I include them for those of “Youse” who are in Troutless waters. ( I have friends in far off DRY places)





Postscript: I went down on Sunday with a good friend and I went 0-for…….. He had 3 or 4 good ones on the bank and released. Karma I guess………….back down to earth.
Here is the stretch where the fish were lined up



Monday: More fish than I have seen in years, active and moving in pods ……….a few more photos, but how many pictures can you take of the same fish pose? Only the weeds and water colour change?





Post- Post script: TRIFECTA ALLERT

Tuesday morning called for Rain Rain Rain with thunderstorms for the next 4 days , didn't look good for this week..
I stopped down by the river to see what the water looked like before the storm hit.
FISHABLE, so down to the first bend I went for a couple of casts before the deluge.
On the first drift I hooked the biggest Brookie I have caught or seen come out of that creek . About 12” and beautiful spots . a couple of similar sized Rainbows (also nice to see) and then a about a 14”-15” Brown that was darker than the one from the other day , possible a year or two older but beautiful just the same. I knew when I got in the truck without the camera that I was making a mistake (or guaranteeing victory). Thunder was rolling overhead but the fish were active and hitting on every few drifts. A flash of lightning had me popping the rod in half and making a beeline for the truck and the ride up the hill. ( yes…I drove the truck down the hill as my knees and bad leg were rubber from the weekend of bank hopping and crawling over deadfalls streamside)
All in all, one of the best opening days in a few years for me.
Now, maybe a few days next week of fishing drop-backs Steelhead and then it’s on to dryflies and light tippets for resident Brookies, Bows and Browns.



05-25-2011, 12:25 PM
A weekend like that would ruin me for life....I'd just have to hang up the rods. Man that looked fun. Congrats.

05-25-2011, 10:34 PM
Thanks Sagebrush. That was quite a nice trip with great fish. Thankyou for taking me along. Jax

05-28-2011, 06:42 AM
Thanks for sharing Sagebrush,
some fine torpedoes there.... very productive start to the season.


05-29-2011, 11:30 PM
Great fishing report Sagebrush !

05-30-2011, 08:46 AM
Some of the fish seem to be steelhead for me. Do you call them rainbow too?
Anyway, the fishing is unbelievably great! Thank you for posting.


05-30-2011, 10:14 AM
Some of the fish seem to be steelhead for me. Do you call them rainbow too?
Anyway, the fishing is unbelievably great! Thank you for posting.


We call them Steelhead too as they travel up from the Great Lakes to spawn and then return to the big water.
The West coast Claims that the true Steelhead move from the Ocean up the freshwater streams.
I leave the semantics to others and enjoy catching them in Spring and Fall a minutes walk from my front door.
(some small Rainbows, Brookies and Browns are residents)


06-04-2011, 10:25 PM
Amazing browns and those steelies were nice!