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View Full Version : The Garden is in. (mostly)

Lotech Joe
05-21-2011, 06:04 PM
We got most of the garden in today. Four 1/2 whiskey barrels filled with Miracle Grow garden soil for tomatoes. Six raised beds weeded, fertilized and planted with bush beans, acorn squash, zucchini, cucumbers, Swiss chard, carrots, parsnips and leaf lettuce. The tomatoes and bell peppers and herbs go in tomorrow. What else is everyone else planting? It doesn't look like the Rapture is coming off on schedule, but if it gets a late start, those who are left behind are welcome to the garden.

05-22-2011, 09:24 AM
The wife is in charge of the garden. I don't know everything she has out there. Tomatoes, squash, peas, carrots onions, different kinds of lettuce,chard, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers. This is what I remember her talking about. We'll see what comes up, and what survives the birds and the deer.

We moved to a new place last summer, and it needed some serious garden work. I helped her with the planting of apple trees, cherry trees, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. It'll be a couple of years before we get a real crop from these.

She also has annual and perennial flowers to put in the ground, and maybe another rose.

What's next? I'm thinking of asparagus. We have some open land we're not using for anything. Hazelnuts sound interesting, but they will probably draw in the bears.

Lotech Joe
05-22-2011, 10:48 AM
I built cages to put over the raised beds. I used 1X2's and chicken wire. The cat seems to think that the raised beds are custom outhouses. It helps to keep the birds out also.