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04-21-2011, 08:59 AM
Arrived on the Stream a little before Noon, a lot of the Higher Streams are running low on water & becoming stale, its been a dry spring, with very little water, so the day was spent on a pretty little stream, that is more low lying than i would usually fish.
Looking at the longer clear pools a lot of fish where feeding on Midge, so a Black Size 18 Klinkhammer, with a Yellow post for the faster water, was a very good choice.
Lifted this Guy, on the second cast, nice trout for the stream, might turn into a good day????.
Took a while ((Slow Carefull Wading )), this long Glide, lifted a lot of fish, that where more than eager, to sip in the little klink, (( WARNING LOW SIDE ARM CASTING ONLY )) would have been a good title here. This little Glide becomes very tight in the summer months.
The pools opened up a little, To let warmth of the spring sunshine in, a little easier to cast also.
Its hard not to spook any of the trout, lying in the thin water at the tail of the pool, but with a low presence & carefull wading, the reward was 2 nice browns. Correct fly placement, first cast, with the (( ROBERT GORMAN ROD )).
This was (( TIGHT )) I had to croutch in the water, with a wet ass & very little room for a cast, up into the right hand side of the pool, but with a little skill & a rod that would give me Razor Sharp Loops when needed this trout was taken. (( GREEN RIVER RODS )) 6 foot 3 line. RAWSONS PLACE. Sure is a very good rod for this kind of fishing. TIGHT & TOUGH.
Further upstream the stream changed, more faster water & laurell on the banks with some shade.
Sitting on a large stone,in the shade, looking upstream, this did make for a nice view, at what lay ahead. Sure LOOKED GOOD. After a little lunch, streamside.
Changed to a small nymph, on these type of short pools, with plenty of takers
Last pool of the day, it was a good day in all, SUNSHINE , TROUT & A DRYFLY.
Hope you enjoyed a little stream side time with me.??.

04-21-2011, 12:08 PM
I did indeed enjoy the sojourn in the sun with dries....thanks.

04-21-2011, 04:36 PM
Great looking water and absolutly difficult to fish.
I always have respekt for the long calm stretches. Hard to wade without disturbance.

Thanks for sharing!

04-23-2011, 06:26 PM
My kind of water Thomas! I have 3 small woodland streams I fish, no 9ft rods there

04-26-2011, 05:51 AM
Not only is the stream pretty, so is everything else.
Great post, and photos.

Brk Trt

04-26-2011, 07:25 PM
Now that would be a great stream to challenge your skills.

Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed it.

05-03-2011, 07:53 AM
It would be a great fun to catch such nice trout in such a pretty little stream!
Thank you for posting.
