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View Full Version : questions from new member

10-17-2010, 06:48 PM
Since I have become a new member, are we supposed to post new topics in the Shallows area as to our thoughts, questions, opinions etc? I see that everyone just introduces themselves and nothing more. When I login, the Shallows is the only forum available on the page. I'm guessing that the Shallows is our only avenue to post. Please correct me if I misunderstand the process here. I understand that several posts are requested from members to show their true intentions, so I'm guessing that the Shallows is the place to do it?
Thanx, jleal

10-17-2010, 07:46 PM
The shallows is the first, and only place to post for new members - it gives people a spot if they have something pressing, or if I/we are unsure of them. An intro is the basic requirement. I manually approve every member's access beyond the shallows. Keeps the stream clean, so to speak.

The "formal" explanation is here (http://www.smallstreams.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=298).

... but let's get to the point.

Your view of the site is different now. :) If not, clear your cache.

10-20-2010, 07:11 PM
Patiently twiddling thumbs and looking around non-chalantly :lol: Mutters to himself, "Sure hope that 'gstrand' feller checks the newbie postings often so I can get out of the "shallows" and in to the deep water with the big boys and girls!" :cool:

01-12-2011, 03:18 AM
I can appreciate wanting to keep spammers and other riff raff out. I look forward to swimming in deeper waters! ;) :D lol