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View Full Version : Rod Buying Advice?

09-11-2010, 05:17 PM
Hello all!
So I am in the market for a new fly rod. Though I have an idea of afew brands etc that interest me I dont want to jump right in and buy if theres a better rod or deal out there I am overlooking (im pretty new to the whole scene). Id like a 7-7.5 foot 3 weight graphite rod...4 pieces. The plan is to do alot of backpacking, bushwhacking, crawling around etc....so I dont really want to spend 500+ dollars as im sure it wont be long before ive scratched it up thoroughly. Can you guys recommend what you'd buy if you were in the market for the same thing? Say 100-300$ for the rod. Ive been looking at the TFO finesse series and afew others. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much

09-11-2010, 06:04 PM
Orvis has a old Superfine in that config, I bet if you looked around online, you could find someone who has one for sale in your price range...

09-15-2010, 01:50 AM
Aloha, I am a slaes rep for TFO, so take my advice for what it is worth, free. I like the TFO finesse series. It is a little slower action than the pro series and the other models of rods. I have the 7'6" 4wt and 3wt. They are great trout rods for both dries and nymphs. They are relatively inexpensive and have nice components. Make sure you get a rod case with them, because they only come with a rod sock. I have used mine in many different locations and have been able to land some pretty nice trout with them. There are some other very nice rods out there, and it is difficult to not find a good rod at a decent price point today. I would suggest going to a flyshop and try casting them with the same line to see wich one best fits your casting style. I think you will be happy with TFO and the warranty is great, as is the service. Both fish were caught with the finesse 4wt. Mems.

09-15-2010, 06:09 PM

I am by no means an expert but I have the TFO Finesse 7'6" 3 weight and I am extremely pleased with it. I've really beat the piss out of it this past year and it has handled some pretty decent fish. I really enjoy fishing it and end up using it almost exclusively. Everyone has a different opinion but since you brought up this particular rod, I thought I would echo Mems comments. I'd by another if I had the same choice again.


09-16-2010, 04:04 AM
TFO = good quality rods.

I have owned a couple and enjoyed them.

08-28-2011, 07:18 PM
I own and very much like my Echo Carbon four piece 7'6" 3 weight. Though Echo rates it I believe medium fast, I find it decidedly moderate and full flexing and with a 6x tippett I can put a lot of pressure on small 12" or so largemouths (all I've caught so far) because the rods soft flex protects the light tippett so well. With Rio Gold wf3f line it loads well for short accurate casts and roll casts very well. With an Orvis Battenkill 1 disk drag I got on sale for $80.00, I have $330.00 total in the outfit before leaders and am very satisfied. Also funny you should mention T.F.O.s finesse series because I just bought an 8'9" four weight for my wife to begin fishing with (as long as someone other than me teaches her how per her insistence) and I liked it very much as well the little that I cast it. It has a similar feel to the Echo Carbon but only comes with a rod sock while the Echo comes with a sock and very nice zippered nylon tube.

08-29-2011, 01:21 AM
I can add a +1 for TFO rods, I thoroughly enjoyed the one I owned. I'll own another eventually.

08-29-2011, 07:47 AM
I own and fish a TFO 3wt 7'6'' finesse. It's a nice rod rod and I enjoy fishing it. It's not my favourite rod, but it does see a lot of action in places I perfer not to take my bamboo or my Winston.