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View Full Version : Not a report, but worth a look! =)

09-07-2010, 08:21 PM
I posted this on the Average Joe Fisherman blog (averagejoefisherman.blogspot.com) a while ago and thought I would share. =)

While at work today I received a call from a co-worker. It was a welcomed reprieve from working for the man. He told me that he had “somehow” fallen into a website offering guide services which is odd because he doesn’t fish. He said I “HAD TO” check it out. I told him that while I believe guides offer a valuable service, I am of the mind to do the research myself and try things on my own, which in hindsight is probably why I do not catch very many trout. He told me to just go to the picture section of the website because I would not believe the pictures of the fish. Well, I have looked at the pictures, several times, and I have yet to see any fish in these pictures. =) Check it out for yourself here – www.flygal.ca/flygalgallery.html (http://www.flygal.ca/flygalgallery.html)

It kind of reminds me of “Women in Waders” which, much like guides, provide a valuable service also. =) If you are not familiar with Women in Waders you can read more about them here - http://www.womeninwaders.com/.


09-08-2010, 07:16 AM
Bet you wouldn't mind sharing your small streamer with that young lady. (Mucky pup) A whole new meaning to small stream fishing! Nice.

09-08-2010, 09:54 AM
After spending some time on the Flygirl website, I have come to the realization that these girls could out-fish me on their worst day. Not to mention the fact that I am jealous... they are doing what they love, while I am still working for the man. =(

09-09-2010, 01:39 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Sweet sweet April Volkey. :bigthumb:

09-10-2010, 08:33 AM
Man I have been fly fishing for over 40 years.You would think that I would have had the good fortune to run into something like that at least once! Alas,no such luck. :cry:

09-10-2010, 05:38 PM
April Vokey is legit. She's a fishing machine.