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View Full Version : KIWI NEW CHUM

08-31-2010, 04:35 AM
Hi everyone,
I am a newby from down under in New Zealand. I love the intimacy of small stream fishing, some that I fish are barely 3m across others up to 10m, some are wild freestone rivers in the Southern Alps others lowland lush medium flowing spring creeks. My favourite is an urban stream flowing through the city just 10 minutes from where I live. The council maintain the banks, cut the weeds in summer but it holds huge brown trout which few residents know about. They live under the banks, overhanging vegitation and under trees. My rod is an 8ft 6WT: line DT F and a 5 lb tippet is the least I dare use, flies are Clydeside spiders or beadhead caddis nymphs, occasionally a Sawyers Killer Nymph will work when nothing else tempts a fish to take. The fishing is tight and side casts are best trying to stay about a foot off the water on the way up stream and then going down a longer line worked with the rod to swing the fly into the bank and out again as I creep down works well. I only fish for about 3 hours these days as being over 70 I find the creeping and crawling neccessary somewhat taxing. A good day will result in one fish, a red letter day three and warrents a whisky celibration. Fish here are large, 3/4lbs are normal, fish under 1lb rare and my best last season was 7 1/2lb.
So there you have it, a wee rant from an old fart, I look forward to telling of what happens through my season as it progresses both on my lovely small streams and also on the Southern Lakes and mighty rivers too as I get the chance to travel further afield.

08-31-2010, 09:54 AM
Welcome! I just updated your access, the forums will be more plentiful for you. :)

08-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Welcome from Pennsylvania! IMHO, everyday warrants a whiskey celebration. :D