View Full Version : Lars Andersson Wheatley Box

08-24-2010, 07:57 AM
My friend Lars Andersson makes fly boxes, I have a fat handful.



Box by Lars Andersson - I added the foam strips in the lid

Lars is indeed a fine artist.
Makes bamboo rods and tiny flies too.

Hope you like,

08-26-2010, 07:02 PM
Nicely done. Your flies would be very comfy in there.

Is it a Wheatley box, thats placed into a wood frame?

Brk Trt

08-27-2010, 01:50 AM
The boxes are made of the finest woods in 1/2 millimeter to 1 mm. laminate
Using woods like maser birch, burr elm root, teak, etc.
Lars approached Wheatley wanting the inserts, was told it was impossible;
Lars showed them one he had made earlier,
now Wheatley are supplying the blank inserts.
Lars is one of the finest artists I know,
makes tiny flies and bamboo rods also -
a sweet guy who produces awesome work.

my flies are indeed flattered by the presentation.