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View Full Version : Summer Temperatures

07-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Two weeks ago I fished "The Swamp" on Catscratch Creek. The night had been cool, the sky was overcast, and the water temprature was 60 degrees. I caught a bunch of fish, but of course the big one got away due to operator error on my part.

After a week of hot summer and warm rain, I fished Catscratch Creek again on Saturday. I was on an abandoned farm about three stream miles below The Swamp. The water temperature was 68 degrees, a little warm for trout. I caught only a half of a bunch of fish this time, and none of the big ones would bite.

Now is the time to watch the thermometer. In some streams it doesn't make much difference. In some streams it's critical. In Catscratch, the fish are moving upstream to find comfortable water. If I fish The Swamp this week or next, I predict I'll have not one, but several chances to lose the bigger fish.