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View Full Version : The Gentle Sounds of a Small Wild Stream in Summer

06-10-2010, 05:42 AM
Finishing work early yesterday meant I was sitting on the backs of my wading boots and gently casting a fly to a rising fish at 17:15. The air was warm, the skies blue and the huge swirling clouds of chironomids and great hatches of blue winged olives resulted in the tell tale sounds of rising trout. The waters were low and gin clear but the fish were happy to rise in a show of (what seemed to be) defiance at these less than perfect conditions for the entirety of the evening.

The scene is this: alongside the glittering glides and riffles, gnarled roots and large rocks can be found lining most banks, alongside which runs a steady food lane with the tell-tale flecks of white and with thick clouds of chironomid midges buzzing overhead. One such lane had five small trout enjoying the overheard food conveyer and, as they gently sipped emergers from the surface film, all were eventually deceived by a size #16 Para Adams.

The next four hours was an accumulation of small stream magnificence, wild brown trout and small feisty grayling. At 21:30, when the low-light conditions dictated extra care for the changing of flies/tippet, one of those evenings had passed where you find it impossible to answer the question ‘How many fish have I caught?’

As I walked back to the car through the tall grass and always alongside the stream, the wonderful sight of rings on water could be seen spreading ever outwards as fish continued to rise into the darkness. As I stood watching the stream before eventually and reluctantly turning away, the sounds of rising fish could still be heard over the gently chattering sounds of a small wild stream in summer.

Absolute bliss.










06-10-2010, 06:42 PM

Thank you for taking me fishing through your wonderful photos.

It's nice to see your able to fool those browns with out having to use a size 22,

Brk Trt

Apache Trout
06-10-2010, 08:00 PM
Can't beat a day on a small wild stream!
Got me looking forward to my Sunday trip to a local wild trout stream. :)

06-11-2010, 12:38 PM
Another Brilliant post Gareth, those photos are excellent!

I'll have to give the Ewenny a try! It looks very inviting!