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View Full Version : Gulf of tears

05-20-2010, 01:26 AM
I grew up in New Orleans. I was weined on reds and specks and fished the marshes from Louisiana to the Mississippi sound. Katrina was a devastating blow to the Crescent city, but this oil spill wil make the exxon valdez look like an oil stain on a drive way. I don't know when or if the region will ever recover. Here we are in an energy crisis and BP is creating a catostrophe of undeniable proportions, all I can do is pray and hope for someone to step up and save the Gulf. Mems.

05-22-2010, 11:05 AM
Yep Don, I have tears for all those affected. I have always put off a trip to the area and now I can only pray it will still be fishable in my lifetime. We need a miracle and I am praying for one.