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View Full Version : Happy Cinqo de mayo

05-06-2010, 02:19 AM
Hope you all had a good cinquo de mayo. I was wondering what is your favorite tequila. Right now I am having some Don Julio Anejo. I fell in love with the tequillas while down in baja a couple of summers ago. I still like Patron, but there are so many good ones to try and enjoy. Just a sip and a little lime. Of course a nice bonefish and a montecristo also made the day special. Hope you all had a great day, here in Hawaii it is also boy's day. Any reason to relax and enjoy life's blessings, Mems.

05-06-2010, 07:55 AM
I used to drink a very inexpensive brand called Dos Dedos (Two Fingers) about 10 years ago - it was college. It may lack some of the refinement, but it was smooth and the memories associated with it are priceless.

05-07-2010, 02:45 PM
Jose Cuervo Gold.There may be better,more expensive brands out there,but this one has always tickled my tongue good enough to suit me :crazy:

05-07-2010, 04:13 PM
The best tequila I ever had was from a friend from TX. He is an attorney and sometimes gets gifts for his services. One particular gift were a few oak barrels with aged tequila. He came fishing with me out here and brought some with him. The tequila was brilliant; the taste was superb. I went a couple of years ago to fish with in Laguna Madre and tasted the last of it (it went for a daughter's wedding), still good; the finish even had a light sweet note to it.

I have had a bunch since that were very good; Herradura, Tres Generaciones and Patron. One can find some very good aged tequila out there. Salud!

05-08-2010, 12:09 PM
