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View Full Version : Western MA small stream outing

04-11-2010, 07:46 PM
Today was the first day that i've had any luck fishing a small stream. I've fished smaller streams before but never had any luck catching wild fish. I've fished C&R areas of MA that have healthy brookie populations but this was the first time i've had luck on a purely wild unstocked stream.

I noticed this stream yesterday when i spotted it through the woods driving towards a popular C&R area. I had a brutal skunking on the c&r so today i decided to explore this smaller body of water.

i started with a small hares ear and softhackle and didnt have any luck. I quickly worked up stream through many small pools. Settled in on one longer pool with the small nymphs, after not having any luck i gave streamers a try, and then some terrestrials. When i tried the dry flies I got a few quick slaps. No real solid takes, it may have been that the fly was too large.. i was fishing a parchute ant and a small foam beatle. After many slaps and failed hook ups I switched to a beaded prince nymph and after a few drifts landed this little wild brookie. I fished upstream through some other quality looking pools but that was it for the day.


a photo of the stream: (not the section i caught the brookie in)

04-11-2010, 08:01 PM
Beautiful brookies.

Its nice to finally hookup on a wild one.


Brk trt

04-11-2010, 08:20 PM
Nice brookies can't wait to get out myself. Snow still in the high country, :)

04-12-2010, 04:27 AM
It's great when a plan comes together! One fish is better than none! nice photos and those little Brookie's are pretty fish!

Nice to hear of your success and those streams that defeated you! That's fishing!

Thanks for sharing your fishing exploits with us. A great post; true and honest!


04-12-2010, 03:44 PM
Very nice, wild trout streams are the way to go I wish you more success in your small stream endeavors.

04-13-2010, 08:48 AM
Wonderful! You feel especially great when you finally catch some fish after several trial and error :thumbup:

Fly Chef
04-13-2010, 06:26 PM
Just seeing that water makes me happy. I could fish streams like that all day not catching fish and still be happier than catching fish in a put-n-take stream.

Nice work, good luck with expanding your search.
