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View Full Version : Hello From Connecticut

Apache Trout
03-08-2010, 08:32 PM
Hey Fellow Small Streamers,
I fish the the small streams of CT like member BRK TRT.
I can thank him for getting me back interested in fly fishing.
I was a die hard surf caster for many years and now split my time between the two.
Made a trip down to VA last year and had a great time chasing brookies.
Going to head out next year to AZ to go after my favorite- Apache Trout.
Spend most of my time in CT searching out new water for hidden treasure that I keep on the quiet.
Look forward to contributing to the site with pics and reports (no stream names mentioned, unless they are very well known).
Great to see the site is back & thanks to BRK TRT for letting me know.
John aka Apache Trout

03-08-2010, 09:32 PM
Welcome John.

John was able to do something thats not easy to do.

He managed to take a fine searun brown trout in a stream in Connecticut.

Perhaps he will tell the story.

Brk Trt

Apache Trout
03-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I was fishing a small river at the base of a dam not from from the tidal area. Managed to get a lovely brown, that I'm 99% sure had seen the salt in his lifetime, of about 19".
The spot I was fishing is known to hold sea runs. My friend has seen their futile attempts to jump the dam but it's 30 feet high and has no fish ladder, so they end up congregating in the pool below.
Most of these browns that end up in the salt on this stream are freshwater stocked fish that get washed over the dam and venture out into the salt.
The state does have a sea run stocking program where they stock juvenile fish born from sea run trout but this stream is not on their list.
The fish was caught on one of my streamer concoctions. Just started tying this winter. The fly has a coyote wing with some black buck tail on top, arctic fox belly, little bit of red antron for the beard and silver tinsel body over wire on the hook shank for weight. Size 10 streamer hook and black thread.
Here is a smaller sparser version but you get the idea. I lost the fly I caught the fish with. :(
Oh yeah, the fish. :)
Here is a not so great pic of the fish but once again you get the idea. The pic doesn't do justice to the size nor the beautiful silver color. The good news he's still out there. :)

03-09-2010, 09:50 AM