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12-14-2009, 01:33 PM
Yeah, I play with my sons.

It's fun... and surprisingly deep.

Been a Trading Card Game player for years, mostly Magic, but laid off that a couple years ago... cardboard crack, that is...

Over Thanksgiving, my 8 year old wanted to play something, so I bought us some decks... and now all he wants to do is play with me. That beats the heck out of before, when it was his gameboy or the wii... :)

Adam, I know you played recently, right?

12-14-2009, 02:58 PM
Yup, it's a child thing, I would be very surprised if anyone else plays this game and yes, it is very deep. Any kid who plays the game, knows the rules and is active in it benefits from playing it. It works your mind on all aspects.

Recently, our interest in it has ebbed. I am a master at the DSi (gameboy) versions and trade on the GTS. My little guy hacks, I don't but I'm not against trading for a hacked Lugia. My favorite is Darkrai, Azelf, Claydol and a couple of other obscure Pokemon like Sunflora and such. In the Platinum version of the game, the inverted world section was so hard, it took me hours to get through, Victory Road I blazed through and my son had to use the internet to navigate. It is interesting how some aspects of the game appeal to some, other easy portions are hard and others are easy to some.

It is a great game, I'm hoping when my sons become adults, we can pull out our cards and play. At that point, they will know a little more about being a father...