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View Full Version : Knysna on the African coast

11-28-2009, 05:08 AM

Knysna (http://www.knysna.org/) is situated on the South African south coast and is considered a gem given the protection of the fragile biodiversity that this region has to offer. The South African estuaries are small in comparison to those in the US, harbouring a very fragile ecosystem.

Knysna is home to the “Knysna seahorse” (http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2002/september/seahorse.htm), regarded as the most endangered of all the seahorse species in the world’s oceans. It is also the only known estuarine seahorse species on the world.


I love the place and its fishing. We target three main species on fly:

1) Garrick – they love poppers



2) Grunter (regarded by some as harder on fly than permit)


3) Skipjack (also known as ladyfish or ten-pounder) – we grow them big in Africa


11-28-2009, 12:46 PM
Hi Gerard; Nice to see photos of the fish I used to catch when I lived in S.A.

Knysna a great place. Fished it every time my ship visited when I was in the S.A. Navy. Many moons ago but the memories of the fish in the area lingers. Thanks for the post. Jax

11-30-2009, 02:48 PM
Hi Gerard; Nice to see photos of the fish I used to catch when I lived in S.A.

Knysna a great place. Fished it every time my ship visited when I was in the S.A. Navy. Many moons ago but the memories of the fish in the area lingers. Thanks for the post. Jax

Hey Jax, didn't know you are an ex-pat. Navy boys had all the fun. :mrgreen:

Do you guys get the big yellowtail (kingfish) out your way in NZ?

11-30-2009, 08:49 PM
Hi Gerard; Yes we do get Kingies out here and they are the most severe critics of sloppy knot tying. and the best Rod and Reel testers you could possibly imagine.

They are shaped much like a Garrick and the same tactics and gear for Garrick will work well.

We have some good shallow water fishing for Kingies in the Tauranga Harbour and offshore can get really hot when the kingies are out to play.

Catching them on a Fly Rod is to say the least HARD. So carry spare lines and plenty of Flies or Lures. So there you have it. Interested?? Jax

12-01-2009, 06:47 AM
Interested?? Jax

Does a bear $hit in the woods? :lol: Of course!! I have always wanted an excuse to visit the South island for some trout fishing, but could never bring myself to do it unless I can team it up with some saltwater fun...this sounds good. :bigthumb: Please tell me more.

12-01-2009, 09:53 PM
Hi Gerard; I have spoken to a friend who is a Flats Kingy Nut and he is thinking of joining us at smallstreams and if he does. He will be able to give you all the gen on the Kingies.

As a matter of interest, we in the North Island have our fair share of rivers and streams with good Rainbows and Browns just waiting to be caught.AND! We don't have Didymo. [ just a little plug for the North :thumbup: ] We cant compete with the scenery down South but we are aware that the two Islands have their own distinctive charm as long as you have fun. Jax

Clark Reid
12-01-2009, 10:08 PM

Yep we have Kings.. yep I'm the nut Jack speaks of :D .

Be happy to show you some fishing here if you can detour to the North Island.

12-01-2009, 11:17 PM
Hi Clark; Good to see you aboard. Hope you enjoy your time here. A good bunch of guys all crazy about trout and a some bigger stuff. ;) Jax

12-02-2009, 09:41 AM
Nice, I’ve seen the pics of those kingies off the flats…wow!

Clark Reid
12-02-2009, 01:02 PM
Thanks Jax

I'm not a guide anymore so if you want to try for them I'm always looking for an excuse to go fishing... a bit of petrol for the boat and we're off. :thumbup:

12-02-2009, 04:34 PM
Clark; I might just take you up on that offer.Come round for a cup of coffee and we will make plans.

Hope I don't get sea sick :sick: Jax

12-02-2009, 09:36 PM
All I can say is WOW !!!! NICE PICS AND PRIME FISH PORN !!!!!!!! :clap:

Clark Reid
12-03-2009, 12:59 AM
Clark; I might just take you up on that offer.Come round for a cup of coffee and we will make plans.

Hope I don't get sea sick :sick: Jax

You won't get seasick in the harbour Jack. I'll take you up on the cup of tea next time I hit town.

10-20-2010, 02:32 AM
I grew up fishing Knysna. My folks still live there and Dad is on the boat most weekends. A most incredible estuary that unfortunately has suffered under the increasing development in the area and a overfishing!

However there are still the awesome fish to be caught.

Gerard - when did you land that Skippy - she's a beaut!

But if you start looking beyond the estuary and into the hills around the old abandoned gold rush settlements and up the forested kloofs you'll find some gold of your own. The entire Keursbooms catchment is full of brownies and available to anyone with an adventurous spirit...

Something special and strange about catching brownies in the deep forest with an outside chance of a forest elephant wanting to share the next pool with you!

So brownie in the morning and a spotty (Grunter) on the evening push! And yes - they are NOT easy to entice!