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View Full Version : Ugly Day

11-22-2009, 10:30 AM
First post since the board came back up, thanks to whomever got it rolling again!

Anyways, spent the day fishing/bushwacking some Berkshire streams yesterday. Water levels were pretty high so fishing was tough to say the least. This time of year, to me at least, is one of the "uglier" times to be outside. Overcast skies and brown scenery ruled the day, but hey I was out on a stream. Didn't get too many pics because I am still w/o a real camera, so bear with me and my crappy Blackberry pics.



A sleek Berkshire mountain Brookie


I always find it amazing how fish less than 10 miles and 3 valleys away can have differing characteristics...

Chubby Taconic Brookie

11-22-2009, 08:47 PM
That is one nice looking stream.I imagine being in a place like that helps brighten up an ugly day.

11-22-2009, 08:58 PM
You are still very lucky. My ugly days lasts from October 1st through February 28th, during which time streams are completely closed.

11-22-2009, 09:32 PM
You may be surrounded by muted scenery, but that winding stream is running clear, those brookies are willing takers, so it doesn't sound all that bad to me. Good stuff, Phong.


11-23-2009, 06:24 AM
Nice Phong. Going through withdrawl since the season closed here. Glad to see you found some time to get out.

11-23-2009, 09:47 AM
phong wrote, "I always find it amazing how fish less than 10 miles and 3 valleys away can have differing characteristics..."

But that doesn't surprise me. We have fish that are the same or similar genetically, but look quite different due perhaps to varying diets and stream conditions.

They will even vary in the same stream. I recall killing two 12" brown trout in the same pool on the same day. One was richer in color and had salmon-colored flesh. He was caught in the slow belly of the pool full of weed growth and crustraceans, including crayfish. The other was lighter colored and had white flesh. It was caught in the run at the head of the pool, where I assume it fed on insects.

In the small ponds I fish in autumn, the brook trout ARE genetically similar; they all come from the hatchery as fingerlings, and grow faster or slower depending on the food type and the food supply. This year I ate brookies from three different ponds, and while the fish all looked similar, they tasted different.

11-24-2009, 06:57 AM
Your Blackberry produced some nice photos; and the stream looks great, even though the Autumn (Fall) has taken away the summer greenery, it's just Mother Nature changing her attire!