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View Full Version : New Fly-fishing novel

11-08-2009, 09:37 AM
I'm a new member and wanted to let people know about my new novel, North of Easie, which is set in western Maine where the moose outnumber the people three to one and the brookies are as long as your arm. Well, at least some are. Don't forget this is a fly-fishing novel! The story involves a fly fishing guide and a woman with a black eye and mysterious past along with a hard drinking punk rock singer and her pet python named bob, a gay mafia don and a refugee from the Woodstock Nation. Cover Art by notable Maine artist John Swan. The book has been favorably reviewed by the New England Press and made a staff pick at Gary LaFontaine's Bookmailer. Selling for $20.00, more info can be obtained at birchbrook.info or at my personal website: forgottentrout.com

Signed copies can be purchased by emailing magalloway@mac.com

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs021.snc3/10834_1187065633293_1127862203_30622957_2759002_n. jpg