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11-05-2009, 04:33 AM
Just a few of my top catchers from this past season. There are a lot of great tiers on this board, so I hope these do justice :oops:

Micro Copper John



Hook: Tiemco 900BL, size #20
Bead: 2.0mm tungsten bead
Thread: Roman Moser Powersilk 10/0, olive
Tail: Pheasant tail
Body: Wire, copper
Thorax: Peacock herl
Thorax Cover: Pearl/Flash

Floating Nymph


Hook: Partridge SLD, #18
Thread: Roman Moser Powersilk 10/0, olive
Tail: Pheasant tail
Abdomen: Pheasant tail
Rib: Copper wire, fine
Thorax: Squirrel
Wing: Four CDC feathers, looped

Parachute Adams


Hook: Partridge SLD, #18
Thread: Sheer 14/0, grey
Post: Tiemco Aero Dry, fluorescent pink
Tail: Rooster hackle fibers (four grizzle, four brown)
Body: Superfine dubbing, grey
Wing: Rooster, grizzle and brown

Biot Paradun


Hook: Grip 11911BL, size #20
Thread: Danvilles Spider Web 16/0
Tail: Rooster hackle fibres, grizzle
Body: Goose biot, olive
Thorax: SLF dubbing, cinnamon
Hackle: Rooster, grizzle
Wing Post: Tiemco Aero Dry, white



Hook: Partridge Klinkhamer 15BN #14
Thread: Sheer 14/0, tan
Body: Ultra-fine dubbing, tan
Thorax: Peacock herl
Hackle: Rooster, grizzle
Wing Post: Hi-vis orange floating poly yarn

11-05-2009, 06:18 AM
I think they're great.

They would produce well on most of the streams I fish.

Thanks for posting,

- Brk Trt

11-05-2009, 12:41 PM
Good flies Gareth. Look forward to seeing more. Jax

11-05-2009, 06:12 PM
Very cool Gareth.

They'd all do the damage up here too, Floating Nymph looks tops. :bigthumb:

11-05-2009, 06:21 PM
Wow, thanks guys! Really glad you liked 'um and really appreciate the thumbs up :D

11-08-2009, 10:04 PM
Nice flies Gareth, the tying is exquiste.

They could all accidently fall into my fly box no problem, hehehe


11-10-2009, 05:00 AM
Hi Gareth, super flies, love them all. The wee copper johns are a treat and the #18 paradun is just beautiful, fantastic proportions. I haven't used the 900BL hook, and I do like the black finish.
Looking forward to more!

Take care, man. Hope you enjoyed the BFFI last weekend.


11-10-2009, 11:40 AM
Thanks Andy, glad you like 'um, that means a lot coming from you :) And BFFI was great thanks! Funnily enough, I'm sure I saw a framed photo or something with Small Fly Funk emblazoned on it near the UK Fly Dressing stand...did you have any gear being displayed there mate?

Jeanne, if we're ever in a fly-swap, a few of the flies might just fall into your fly box :)

11-10-2009, 11:54 AM
Love those wee pt bead heads,those would work wonders on the dead low water I have at the moment on the Kennet.
Must get my close up specs on ,maybe get a pair like Gus's Avatar :cool:

11-10-2009, 12:11 PM
I'm sure I saw a framed photo or something with Small Fly Funk emblazoned on it near the UK Fly Dressing stand...did you have any gear being displayed there mate?

Hi Gareth, yes I put a set together for Keith Passant's 24hr tying marathon auction - he was raising money for Casting For Recovery. Sounds like it went well... I wasn't able to make the show, hope to next year.

Catch you soon, hope the grayling are takin'

11-11-2009, 05:34 AM
I saw the frame too and though there were some excellent framed flies in the auction I thought yours was right up there with the best, my nephew did too, very well presented.