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View Full Version : Last Day Fishing The Mountains

honda 450
10-29-2009, 09:28 AM
This was the last day, Wed , that i will fish this season, It closes in a few days, with rain forcast. The day was warm & bright, with a little more water that i hoped for, but the trout where there & eager to feed, kept it simple & fished a little bead head all day. This was a day, more enjoyed, at looking back over the fishing season, that catching fish. A day to unwind & think of the warmer days of the season, the experience gained & the hope for a new season with new ideas. I hope you enjoy, this trip on the last mountain stream of the year..










11-08-2009, 06:20 PM
That's some fine water. Just stumbled on this website and it feels like home. My little stream is open year round and I spent last weekend casting my flies to wild browns in a soft november rain. The biggest trout was no more than seven inches, but those dime-sized, pumkin-colored spots just knock me out. If temps hold I'll be out again this week, casting my 6'3" headwater, a little cane rod built by the late George Mauer.